Frequently Asked Questions

  • During your visit we will discuss what your concerns are and your feeding goals. We will review your health history and birth story, and any other important information. I also have a portable scale so I can weigh your baby in your home. When you are ready to feed, I will watch what you and your baby normally do. Sometimes a breast assessment is important to see if there are any concerns with engorgement, blocked ducts, or mastitis. I will also offer verbal and hands-on assistance throughout your feeding session to provide support as needed.

  • I would recommend meeting with a Lactation Consultant in the third trimester of your pregnancy! The best way to prepare for breastfeeding is while you are still pregnant, as this will set you up for success. However, you can see a Lactation Consultant as soon as you deliver your baby.

  • Yes! The Lactation Consultant can help you navigate combination feeding. We can discuss how to incorporate bottles and pumping.

  • Pumping and bottle feeding can be more work than breastfeeding but is a great way to give your baby breastmilk. An IBCLC can help guide you with: how often to pump, what type of pump to use, sizing your pump flanges, and how to continue to make lots of milk.

  • Unfortunately MSI does not cover private Lactation Consultations. However, if you have private insurance coverage I can provide you with a bill for a Registered Nurse visit. You can also claim these consults for income tax purposes.

  • Sometimes you are ready to wean before your baby is ready, and that is okay! This can happen for many reasons. We can explore the reasons for weaning, and how to make this a comfortable process for you and your baby. You can also partially breastfeed on your own terms, and supplement with your own breastmilk or formula. Whatever works for you and your baby, I can help!

Still have questions?

If you are still unsure if a Lactation Consultant can help you and your baby through your feeding journey, please feel free to contact me. I am happy to help!